Tuesday, March 11, 2008

spanish inquisition!!!

we didn't expect snow!!!!

are we leaning?

neil, i'm bringing back some treasures. you need to plan a visit to sf soon.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

you gotta scroll down and start at the bottom!

last two, bernini was the man

museo vatican staircase

keep goin!

this is all inside st peters.

Neil, he says hi.

so cool

st peter is under there somewhere

they rub his feet.
rub my feet?

these will be upside down.

st peter's square, extra credit for those who find waldo,
extra extra credit for those who find dan brown!!!


Kato and that GUY!!!!

swiss guards? swiss cheese!

Pretty (friggin awesome!)


i made a friend!

nice walk

choo choo!!!!

em, them flowers is bloomin!!!

for all you spring forwarders! day something...

ok, so a good internet is hard to find. here's a backlog!
breakfast for neil,

evening cafe in roma

you will be persecuted!

Villa Borghese, lotsa bernini, lotsa caravaggio.
best caravaggio: david with golaith's head.

he was spitting at me

david/golaith here: http://www.galleriaborghese.it/borghese/en/edavicara.htm

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

ciao bella!

1 day in, here's some italian stuff! it's our room and the view from it